

1072 Uppsatser om Grid capacity - Sida 1 av 72

Acceptansgränsen för solceller i lågspänningsnät : Kan den ökas?

Microproduction, also called distributed generation, is something that has become more and more popular in the electric grid. Microproduction can however lead to unacceptable performance if several units are installed in the same low voltage network. It is therefore good to know a limit where the performance of the low voltage network becomes unacceptable based on given parameters. This limit is usually called hosting capacity.In this report the hosting capacity with respect to voltage and current have been studied in three low voltage networks which are located in Falu Elnäts concession area. This has been done by simulations in a GIS-program where critical times of the grid have been simulated.

Smarta elnät i Sverige : Energibranschens förutsättningar och förväntningar

The need for a more efficient electrical grid has made the smart grid concept popular in recent years. The aims of this study are to identify the conditions in Sweden for implementing a smart grid and to analyse the opinions of stakeholders. One finding is that the large capacity of Sweden?s existing electrical grid decreases the immediate need for smart grid solutions. However, the rapid increase in wind power might push the development of a smart grid in the coming years.

Nätnyttomodellen och dess inverkan på ett distributionsnät - En studie i samarbete med Härryda Energi AB

This report is intended to give an insight in the Network Performance Assessment Modeland the parameters that is needed in the making of a fictitious grid that represents anoptimal grid. A main goal is to investigate how the construction of a real grid iscompared to the fictitious.One of the key parameters is how redundancy is treated in the model and to find theoptimal amount of redundancy versus the costs. Further is the dimensioning of the grid ofinterest. The fictitious grid is based on energy whereas the real grid often is based onsubscribed power and these two principles are compared and analyzed.The difference in the outcome of the model result due to variations in input data of themodel is also discussed in the report..

Vindkraft och elbilar på Öland år 2020 : Är smart laddning av elbilar lösningen på ett framtida flaskhalsproblem?

The Island of Öland has one of the best wind climates for land based wind power in Sweden. An objective for the Island is to become self sufficient using electricity from renewable source of energy such as wind. There is currently 55 MW capacity installed on the Island and it is estimated that grid congestion will occasionally occur if more than 135 MW was installed.The aim of this thesis is to investigate he possibilities for load management by smart charging of electric vehicles, EV. The definition of smart charging is that the charging is done to some extent with an ICT-system, (information and communication technology) that correlates wind electricity generation to the charging of electric vehicles. The purpose is to avoid grid congestions on the sub-sea cable that connects Öland to the mainland because that in turn would curtail wind energy production.

Ny stamstation i Yttermalung för anslutning av vindkraft : Nätstudie av olika utföranden i normal- och reservdrift

Since 2004, wind power has had the largest installation of new capacity compared to other energy sources in Sweden. Accommodating new wind power may require strengthening or rebuilding of the existing grid in areas where the grid is already loaded to maximum capacity. This master thesis examine the possibility of a new 400/130 kV substation in Yttermalung, Sweden, with a connection to the two neighboring regional grids in Dalarna and Värmland owned by Fortum. This substation would provide a new connection point to the Swedish transmission system as well as an interconnection of the two, currently separated, regional grids. Different expansion scenarios where a substation with and without series compensation or a phase shifting transformer (PST) to control active power flow were studied.

Utveckling och tillämpning av modeller förkvantifiering av de ekonomiska konsekvensernaav ökad förbrukningsflexibilitet inom eldistribution

One step towards a more sustainable energy system is to create a more flexible electrical grid, where increased demand response among electricity consumers can play an important role. A distribution grid owner can encourage their customers to use electricity more evenly distributed during the day by introducing different types of grid fees such as time-differentiated power tariffs. In this master thesis, the theoretical economic impact of a flattened load profile for a distribution grid owner is investigated. Different factors that impact the distribution grid owner?s economy are identified and two are chosen to be quantified; losses in the grid and the fee to the feeding grid.

Vad är god fysikundervisning? : Studie av några lärarstudenters uppfattning med Repertory Grid Technique

I studien har en relativt ovanlig intervjumetod, Repertory Grid Technology använts för att ge några blivande fysiklärares syn på god fysikundervisning. Metoden inspirerar till användning i många andra sammanhang. Resultaten visar att god fysikundervisning bland annat uppfattas som krävande för läraren..

Uppföljning och analys av Stockholms stads solcellsanläggningar

During 2007 the City of Stockholm installed five grid connected photovoltaic systems. The aim of this master thesis is to quantify the amount of produced energy and recommend routines to collect and analyse production data, to make production data accessible by the public and to gain experience for future installations.The total amount of produced energy until March 2009 is 227 000 kWh, with an annual rate of 150 000 kWh. The expected annual rate was 148 000 kWh.All system owners are positive about their plants and see economical benefits in scaling up such systems.The installations need very little attendance and maintenance, however it is recommended that an alarm function is installed for automatic feedback in case of a system failure. All future systems should be inspected during full operation to determine if the actual capacity is matching the installed capacity..

Framtidens elbilar utmanar nutidens elnät : Påverkan av ett ökat antal elbilar på ett halländskt elnät

The challenges facing low voltage grids are rising as an increasing number of domestic houses transition from fossil fueled heating to electricity based heating. Several environmental goals and visions have the same transition from fossil based power to electricity based power in mind for the transportation sector. One of the most important tools for this transformation is widely regarded to be the electric vehicle. With the demands of the electric vehicle pressuring the power grid, several questions arise regarding the growth of the electric vehicle market and what repercussions it may have on the grid. This paper focuses on a typical low voltage grid in southern Sweden and what effects a growing electric vehicle market may have on it. Through computer-assisted simulations based on several future scenarios regarding the EV market, this paper finds that few modifications and reinforcements are needed on this particular grid within the next 10 to 15 years.

Utvärdering av konsekvenserna för nätanslutning av vindkraftparker i Sverige vid införandet av nätkoden Requirements for Generators

Grid codes are becoming more demanding on power generating units due to the factthat the complexity of the power grid is increasing. The penetration of wind powerhas grown over the last years and it is clear that wind farms need to be addressedwith the same type of grid codes as conventional generation units. There is howeveran undeniable difference between the technology in conventional synchronousgeneration units, and the asynchronous generation units in wind farms.This thesis has reviewed the current grid code in Sweden and compared it to the newcode proposed by ENTSO-E, ?the Requirements for Generators?, in the aspect ofwind farms with an installed power of 30 MW or more. The comparison has beencomplemented by an analysis of how wind farms of two different technologies(Doubly fed induction generators and full power converters) can meet therequirements and technical proposals have been given on how to be able to meetcompliance with the new grid codes.The Requirements for Generators contains many non-exhaustive and optionalrequirements, because of this it has been difficult to, at this stage, exactly point outthe technical impact on the grid connection of future wind farms in Sweden.

Matematisk kod i grafisk design

Målet har varit att undersöka hur grafiska formgivare kan använda sig av matematisk kod i form av fraktala system för att skapa inspirerande grid. Genom att titta på befintliga fraktala mönster och sedan anpassa vissa av dem till gridsystem skapades under designprocessen ett antal olika fraktala grid. Hur väl dessa gridsystem fungerade testades i en skisskalender - en fickkalender för formgivare med plats att skissa. För att kontrollera och verifiera de resultat som kom fram under designprocesssen jämfördes de med åsikter från en fokusgrupp bestående av grafiska formgivare. Slutsatsen blev att fraktala gridsystem inspirerar grafiska formgivare att skapa dynamiska och harmoniska layouter.

Analys av spänningsstabilitetsberäkningar i det svenska elsystemet

Numerical simulations play a vital role in both static and dynamic stability assessment of electric power systems and the foreseeing of voltage collapse. Simulations performed by Svenska Kraftnät(SvK) are mainly done in the specialized voltage collapse predicting software tool, SPICA and the more all?purpose software tool, ARISTO.The grid operators at SvK use SPICA to predict the maximum transfer limit at specified sections (in this report the section in concerns is the southern part of Sweden i.e. interface1 4). SPICA is mainly used as an online application by using actual states from the grid, these states update every quarter of an hour.This thesis is a continuation of the master thesis SPICA ? ARISTO JÄMFÖRELSE by Jakob Katzman and Johan Fält.

Numerisk modell för global transport av spårämnen i atmosfären

The aim of this project was to develop a numerical model simulating the global transport of air pollution. The model currently used by SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, was intended to perform such simulations at regional scales. However, the usage of a grid based on longitudes and latitudes makes this model work poorly in global simulations. The problem with this grid is that the nodes are concentrated near the North and South Poles. Due to this characteristic, the Courant, Friedrich and Lewy-condition for numerical stability puts a sharp bound on the timestep length.

Trafikverkets effektstyrningssystem - EFS 132 kV : Bidraget till minskade förluster

The technological legacy from the early electrification of the Swedish railroads has resulted in a power grid with a lower grid frequency than the national power grid from which it is fed. Energy transfer between these power grids with different frequencies requires substations, adapting the grid frequency for the rail road power grid. For this purpose, a feeding power grid has been built, stretching across the country from Boden in the north to Tälle/Häggvik in the south.Power transfer in the Swedish power grid results in voltage angle differences which increase with increasing loads and transfer distance. These voltage angle differences are transferred from the power feeding substations to the rail road power grid, will in some extent cause loss of energy due to unwanted power flows from north to south.To minimize the losses due to this phenomenon, a power management system called EFS 132 kV has been developed and implemented. The system minimizes the unwanted power flows and controls the desired power flow for a good distribution of loads between the power feeding substations.This thesis investigates the extent of the transmission losses avoided due to the EFS 132 kV that coordinates the idling angles to a common reference point.The results indicate that EFS 132 kV affects the power flow, especially between the northern substations through an improved load distribution.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser för smarta elnät

The electrical grid needs to be changed in the future in order to manage more distributed and renewable generation and also to make it possible for electricity consumers to be more active and aware of their electricity consumption. This future grid is usually referred to as a smart grid. With the transition to a smart grid, new challenges occur. One method to determine those challenges is to perform risk and vulnerability analyses. InStockholm, the new urban district Stockholm Royal Seaport is built.

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